Week in Review: April 2-6

Welcome Spring!
Well, kind of…
We are in the throws of So Much Pollen season!  On a side note, if you are in the South and you haven’t yet found. It’s A Southern Thing, you need to right now! This makes me laugh every time and so far it is all very family friendly, quite a feat for online content!

Anyway, on to our week…

We were back up and running with “Full School” as my daughter refer to it. Basically that means everything in our regular schedule. It is good to deviate from the norm whether it is for breaks or reviews. They don’t get bored with routine that way! 

Grace (2nd Grade): Bigger Hearts for His Glory Unit 20

Grace is enjoying working through a new study about the human body as one of our reviews. She is devouring the content! She’s very interested in being in the medical field maybe as a nurse or doctor…as long as she doesn’t have to deal with any blood! We will have to see how this works out. 

We worked through her other schoolwork without any trouble and had some excitement at the end of the week! I had noticed some thing about her vision that made me want to have her checked out by more than just the screening at our yearly pediatrician’s visit. She had a lot of fun at the appointment and it resulted in this…

Beth (5th Grade): Creation to Christ Unit 27

Beth also went to the pediatric ophthalmologist, but her eyes are fine. I’ve been really pleased to see her put more effort into her handwriting recently. I know all of my girls have the ability to write neatly, but that isn’t always their choice. I really have to keep on to them about this! Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me? 
She’s quickly growing up and I’m starting to see little glimmers of the young woman she’s becoming. She is very much enjoying the Bible study from Kid Niche Christian Books she asked me to work through. I was a little disappointed at first to set aside the study alongside Heart of Dakota, but I’m so glad I said, “Yes.” She is excited to dive into this study like I have not seen her before. If you are interested in what she is going through this study click here to learn more about it! Once she finishes I plan to buy the second part of the study for her. 

Rose (7th Grade): Revival to Revolution Unit 12

Rose is working steadily through her studies. As she is working towards finishing up her 7th grade year we have been talking more about high school and what we are planning. These conversations have been good because while her dad and I are ultimately deciding how to handle high school her input for direction is incredibly important to us. We’ve also been having more conversations about her goals and God’s calling on her life. It’s never too young to start these conversations!

We gave our girls some fun chalk supplies this year as Easter gifts. We had some nice weather even if I had to stay inside for most of the time. The girls had fun trying out chalk spray, powdered chalk bombs, and chalk markers. Our driveway never looked so beautiful! 

How was your week? You can see what my Crewmates on the Review Crew have been up to this week below!

Homeschool Review Crew Weekly Link Up

1 thought on “Week in Review: April 2-6”

  1. Your not the only one on your daughter for handwriting. I am always telling my daughter she could write neater if she just slowed down and took her time. The glasses on Grace look adorable. Looks like a lot of fun with the outside chalk.


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